Sunday, December 20, 2009

FPCD Partner Rachael Paulson Receives Important Award for Water Work in South Africa

Humanitarian Rachael Paulson Receives National Ground Water Association Honorary Member Award

Rachael Paulson, founder of the humanitarian organization Hands on the World Global, has received a 2009 Honorary Member Award from the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) for her work in helping provide safe drinking water in South Africa and other developing nations.

This award is presented to persons of eminence outside the groundwater industry who have contributed a special service. It will be presented in December at the NGWA 2009 Ground Water Expo and Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Paulson founded Hands on the World Global in 2006 with the following goals:

Purpose: Meet the basic needs of water and food for the security of people in developing countries who suffer from the aftermath of conflict or disaster.
Philosophy: Develop local leaders and show indigenous people they can make a difference in their lives and in the lives of others.
Mission: Make schools and clinics in developing countries safe havens that provide food and water security along with educational outreach to an entire community or village.

“Rachael has been an avid activist in the support of clean water and sanitation education for schools in South Africa, having directed the installation of a number of wells and pumps. She has a relentless devotion to this cause,” said Art Becker, a National Ground Water Association director.

Echoing Becker’s comments were George Strycker, past president of the New Jersey Ground Water Association.

“Without a doubt, Rachael’s persistence, commitment and determination to help others are amazing and inspiring. By reaching out to us for support and advice, she has allowed us to help in our own small way,” Strycker said.


NGWA, a nonprofit organization comprised of more than 13,000 U.S. and international groundwater professionals—contractors, equipment manufacturers, suppliers, scientists, and engineers—is dedicated to advancing groundwater knowledge. NGWA’s vision is to be the leading groundwater association that advocates the responsible development, management, and use of water.

Visit for more information.



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