Friday, April 06, 2012

Secretary of State Clinton on Post Conflict Development

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered remarks about the United States role in Post Conflict Development.

FPCD strives to educate about all points of view regarding Post Conflict Development. Therefore, we encourage our supporters to read or watch the video of this important speech entitled "Remarks on George Marshall and the Foundations of Smart Power" at the Virginia Military Institute on April 3, 2012.


An excerpt:

"....We see how resolving today’s conflicts depends on fostering economic development, good governance, the rule of law, alongside our military efforts. And just like George Marshall in his day, our military leaders have made some of the loudest calls for elevating diplomacy and development alongside defense. To cite just one example, when Leon Panetta became Secretary of Defense last year, he stressed the importance of this integrated approach right off the bat. He said national security is dependent on a number of factors. It’s dependent on strong diplomacy, it’s dependent on our ability to reach out and try to help other countries, it’s dependent on our ability to try to do what we can to inspire development. So we have worked hand in hand with our military colleagues to build a foreign policy based on smart power for the 21st century, a foreign policy that produces results for global peace, prosperity, and progress, all of which are profoundly in America’s interests.

Let me briefly explain how we are putting this vision of smart power into action. First, we are bringing all the tools of American power to bear in conflict and post-conflict situations, where the links among defense, diplomacy, and development are the most obvious. Think Afghanistan, Iraq, fighting the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda and elsewhere in Africa, protecting civilians while helping support the creation of a new Libya. Security improvements only last when they are backed by effective, accountable governments that can deliver results for their people. And building up those governments and their institutions requires a strong and active civilian presence....."

Read full remarks:


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