Saturday, April 01, 2006

April 2006

FPCD Executive Director accompanies President Gusmão to Switzerland and Portugal, March 2006.

FPCD Executive Director, Claudia Abate, was invited to participate on the delegation of President Xanana Gusmão of Timor-Leste. President Gusmão. During the struggle for independence, the Geneva based organizations played an instrumental role in drawing attention to, and advocating for, Timor-Leste. President Gusmão therefore thought it to be highly important to conduct this visit. The purpose of the Executive Director’s participation on this official trip was to strengthen the sister-foundation relationship between the FPCD and Fondacão Xanana Gusmão. In Switzerland from 14-16 March 2006, President Gusmão met with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Antonio Guterres, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Louise Arbour, the Director General of the United Nations office in Geneva, Mr. Sergei Ordzhonikdze, the Secretary General of the International Telecommunications Union, Mr. Yoshio Utsumi, the Director General of the International Labour Union, Mr. Juan Somavia and made an address to the Asian Group at the United Nations and met with Geneva based Non-Governmental Organizations.Coinciding with President Gusmão’s visit, to Geneva, a special screening of A Hero’s Journey, by Grace Phan was shown followed by a Press Conference attended by President Gusmão and Ms. Phan. The Film, inspired by the tragic events in Belsam, features President’s Gusmão as a role model for forgiveness.In Bern, President Gusmão met with Vice President of the Swiss Federal Council and Foreign Minister, Ms. Micheline Calmy-Remy followed by a special tour of the old city of Bern where President Gusmão was joined by the President of Switzerland, Mr. Maurice Leuenberger, who hosted a lunch in honour of the President of Timor-Leste.In Portugal from 17 – 20 March, President Gusmão attended various events in Oliveira de Azemeis. The President also met with Portuguese representatives of Fondacão Xanana Gusmão. In Lisbon on 19 March, President Gusmão and FPCD Executive Director Claudia Abate signed a Memorandum of Understanding formalizing the sister-foundation relationship between the Fondacão Xanana Gusmão and the Foundation for Post Conflict Development. Together, the two foundations will help to cross promote each other’s work and participate in joint projects together.
